Architectural Design Studio 1 {2017}

This was a competition studio. All students were asked to create a museum that wrapped around a tree with its own support system; we were not allowed to sustain the weight of the structure in any way during the critique. The requirements of the project were as follows: must have a minimum of two floors, have the most amount of natural light coming in as possible, be a continuous loop (without elevators or stairs), and it had to be “kid-friendly”.

Our original inspiration came from a double helix type design and then later was influenced by a rubber band around water bottle. The continuous loop became the perfect structure for our two-story museum. The façade of our building was inspired by the sleek outdoor panels of the Disney Concert Hall. We also decided to incorporate a roof top garden that was inspired in part by the tree itself and also by the hidden garden locate in the Disney Concert Hall roof.

LAYOUT - FRONT - 1.jpg


We brought elements from nature in the outdoor pebble flooring and the second floor patio. The whole project was made from five main materials; poster board, chip board, balsa wood, natural pool pebble, and transparency sheets, all held together with heat-sensitive adhesive. Each of these elements was used to create visual interest within the building. For example, the transparently sheets created floor cutout designs together with the pebble throughout the first floor. The poster board on the second floor was also positioned to create walls that separated the various gallery exhibits. While the use of transparency sheets on the external walls allowed for natural light to travel throughout the indoor space.



The pop art included in the museum is reminiscent of pieces you would find at The Broad. This style of art added interest to our model but more importantly also fulfilled the kid-friendly requirement. The bright colors and bold designs created an exciting and light-hearted atmosphere.


Final Product.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the tree that the model was originally designed around was unavailable the day of the final critique. We quickly found another that was about the same size and this was the final product. Our museum was secured and held onto the truck of the tree on its own.

This project won the competition.


ARCHT 160 - AutoCAD for Architecture